Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Way It's Supposed To

I'm so incredibly proud to tell you all that our country still works the way its supposed to.

It's a bit of a relief really. I was afraid the doomsday forecasters might be self-fulfilling their prophesies by convincing my comaraden that Hillary Clinton was insurmountably ahead in the party polls and that she could actually compete with a Republican in a general election.

Thank GODS liberals are smarter than the average American, freer, and more independent thinkers. They cannot be told how to vote no matter how much idiotic corporate lobbyists and evangelist preachers wish they could.

But the truth is that no matter how much Democrats want to win the White House next year, above all, they want a DEMOCRAT to represent the Democratic Party, not another Vampire dressed up like a Bald Eagle. More than anything else, we must see a DIFFERENCE between the two candidates next year if we are going to win the election. The greater the difference, the better. The nominee for the Democratic party doesn't even really need to show up to a debate with the Republican nominee next year. All he has to do, if he is sufficiently different from them, is run against the Republican Party and George W. Bush. Enough said. He'll win.

The era is ended when the only Democrat who can get elected is the one who looks like a Republican to the untrained eye. Bill Clinton won the Presidency in an era dominated by the Republican information machine. Republicans dictated the debate, Republicans chose the issues that got attention.

No longer is that the case. This very medium, that I am writing and apparently no one else is reading, is part of that. The very nature of corporatized media is skewed to the right. The fucked up part is that most journalists, like most Americans, are liberals. That's right. I said it. I'm the only one who has the balls to say it. Most Americans are Liberals. And there absolutely IS a "liberal media bias". How? Why? It's simple. The vast majority of journalists are college educated, they understand the principles of journalism, like checking your facts, confirming sources, getting comments from both sides of a controversy. The dirty secret of life is that the more you know, the more you want to know. Republicans, as with conservatives all over the world, thrive on silence, on disinformation, misinformation and apathy. That is why the first thing George W. Bush torpedoed when he got into office was the education system. So educated, fair journalists are biased against Republicans. Truth and reality is biased against Republicans. And most of all, the very nature of information distribution is biased against Republicans.

On the other hand. Hillary Clinton was also right when she claimed that "vast right-wing conspiracy" had undermined her husband's presidency. Whiny, but right. What is this, you say? If the media is biased for liberality, how can a Right-wing conspiracy be in operation. Well, that would be because newspapers, television networks and national radio corporations are owned and operated by RICH PEOPLE. So despite the fact that the actual people collecting and writing the stories are by and large liberal, the stories that end up getting covered by their outlets are chosen by conservatives. Editors are hired by owners whose interest is in selling as much media as possible with as little informational content as necessary. Editors choose topics and issues that make conservatives looks good, edit out as much content as possible that makes conservatives look bad, and voila, your morning newspaper.

Unfortunately, information is gaseous. More than that it is wave matter, not particulate. It cannot be contained, it gets out. "Truth will out!" said a better poet than me, and its true. Galileo's truth could not be contained half a millennia ago, and Al Gore's truth could be imprisoned no better in our time.

Our country is designed to react to the waves of information. Pressed back for a time it may be, but as any one who played with their bathwater as a child will know, it always comes out around the side, stronger than it was before, mounding higher than it had before, reaching further up the side of the tub than it really can sustain before receding toward the equilibrium where it belongs. It is absolutely true that liberalism has its own drawbacks. Bolshevism did not work, it resulted in Soviet dictation. Jacobinism failed as well, it resulted in Napoleonic dictation. But a measured, balanced, calm and rational dealing with life, the way the United States Constitution proposes; results in a clean, relaxed, refreshed and hygenic body politic, just as a calm, quiet soak in the bathtub results in the same for a human body.

I still support John Edwards, I think he is the best balanced, best overall candidate for the Democratic nomination. But I would not be overly distressed if Obama were to win. After all, who could have trouble getting excited over the first black president? But GODS I can't wait to see Hillary Clinton get her wrinkly, starched white ass kicked in the Iowa caucuses and her entire candidacy go down in flames as it deserves. The Junior senator from New York will remain the Junior senator from New York, the post she is most suited for, and the American people will have a leader they can trust. Finally. As they deserve.

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