Sunday, April 27, 2008

Project for the New American Century

This is written by a woman named Mary Alice, it was handed to me by an unrelated woman on the street in Santa Barbara, who'd cut and pasted it from Ms. Alice's blog into a 1/3rd page flyer, and is a nice little entre into the murky world of the truth about what happened during the George W. Bush presidential administration.

The blueprint for our current foreign policy was being written back in 1992 by then Defense Secretary, Dick Cheney. His writings set out a new doctrine that called for U.S. power in the twentieth century to be that of an aggressive and unilateral approach that would secure American dominance of world affairs by force if necessary. This “peace through strength” policy has been unfolding from the day Bush Jr. took office: the strategic planning of it was done during the Clinton administration with funding from the military-industrial complex, energy companies, and right wing foundations. Over time, those working on these new plans evolved into PNAC, established in 1997 with members Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz at the helm.

In September 2000, the PNAC updated and refined Cheney’s original version into a new report entitled: “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century” calling for unprecedented hikes in military spending, American military bases in Central Asia and the Middle East, toppling of non-complying regimes, abrogation of international treaties, control of the world’s energy sources, militarization of outer space, total control of cyberspace, and the willingness to use nuclear weapons to achieve “American” goals. This plan by the neo-conservative or neo-con think tank, PNAC, shows Bush’s cabinet intended to take military control whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power and says the U.S for decades has sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security, revealing that a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure a regime change was planned even before Bush took power in January, 2001. The lengthy blueprint for U.S. global domination can be accessed, albeit in truncated form since 2003, at Project for the New American Century’s website. Search Google for more information.

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