Sunday, March 30, 2008


There are times when I feel like posting a whole bunch of things at once, but don't, because I ought to post every day. And if I convince myself to wait, write one now, and write another after midnight, I often end up writing the long one now, finishing it up around 1:07 AM, and going, crap, now I can't write the other one, even if I can still remember it. Now, the time, I'll mention, is not an issue, I like to be up late late at night. Everything is very still at night. Anyways, the point is, so what? So what if I post two different blog posts on Sunday, March 30, 2008 and they're listed that way in my table of contents. Often as not, I don't post anything the day before, and I'm just as likely to completely blow off the second one altogether and not post anything on the next day as I am to either write it, save it, and post it later, or to save it and write it thirty-six hors later, since I'm not likely to start writing something at 12:15. So, bottom line, I'm going to be making a few postings tonight. If I don't write anything for three days afterward I'm sure you'll understand. But who knows, perhaps writing more separate posts will translate to more production, and I have heard, though I have never experienced it, that productivity can feed on itself so perhaps soon I'll be writing six posts a day. Sure.

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